NICE perspective on regulating advanced therapeutic medical products with Pilar Pinilla Domínguez
Pilar Pinilla Domínguez explains how the National Institute of Care Excellence (NICE), the UK’s healthcare regulator, view advanced therapeutic medical products and the impact they have had on the field of medicine. As a guest speaker at the Phacilitate Leaders Europe 2019 (London, UK) conference, she also mentions the importance of hearing patients’ voices when designing and considering therapies.
About the author:
Pilar Pinilla Domínguez is the Principal Scientific Advisor for NICE (London, UK) and oversees the international strategy and services provided by the regulatory body. She also has a key role in the Scientific Advice team, delivering different international engagements through workshops, educational seminars and international consultancy projects with the UK Ministries of Health, Health Technology Assessment agencies and other international organisations.
Pilar has an academic history in Business, Health Economics, Policy and Law with specialisation in Health Economics from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Before joining NICE, Pilar worked as a researcher in one of the Spanish regional Health Technology Assessment units.
Original publication:
Video originally published on RegMedNet, a digital platform from the Future Science Group that unites the diverse regenerative medicine community.