Patient-reported outcomes in health technology assessment with Olivier Chassany
In this interview at ISPOR Europe 2019, Olivier Chassany (Hopital Hotel-Dieu, Paris, France) explains how he uses patient-reported outcomes in European health technology assessment and decision making. He discusses some of the issues with data collection and heterogeneity, as well as his work on clinical trials and patient engagement.
About the author:
Olivier Chassany is professor of therapeutics at the Health Economics Clinical Trial Unit at Hopital Hotel-Dieu, AP-HP. He plays a key role in all steps of developing and validating patient-reported outcomes, including qualitative research and electronic tools. His work covers clinical trials, epidemiological studies, and clincial practice, where e works on diagnosis,screening and medical follow-up of patients using electronic devices.
Original publication:
Video originally published on The Evidence Base, a digital platform from the Future Science Group covering the latest news, opinion and insight into the collection and application of real-world data to real-world problems.